- 研究室分機:(04)2359-0121 #35325
- 電子郵件: lwwu@thu.edu.tw
- 現職:東海大學國際經營與貿易學系教授
美國紐約州立大學石溪分校(State University of New York at Stony Brook) 企業管理研究所碩士
學術服務 :
Editorial board member of Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
資訊管理學報 (TSSCI),Reviewer.
Asia Pacific Management Review(TSSCI), Reviewer.
Journal of Business Research(SSCI), Reviewer.
European Journal of Marketing(SSCI), Reviewer.
Internet Research (SSCI), Reviewer.
International Journal of Hospitality Management(SSCI), Reviewer.
Service Industries Journal(SSCI), Reviewer.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management(SSCI), Reviewer.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour(SSCI), Reviewer.
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence(SSCI), Reviewer
International Journal of Bank Marketing(SSCI), Reviewer.
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, Reviewer.
Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Reviewer.
2016 Global Marketing Conference (GMC) at Hong Kong, Session Chair.
2018 Global Marketing Conference (GMC) at Tokyo, Session Chair.
2022 The 23rd Asia Pacific Management Conference, Session Chair.
2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
名列Who’s Who in the World 2016世界名人錄
(A) 期刊論文
Wu, Li-Wei,Wang,Chung-Yu,and Tang,Yun-Chia (2025), “Do Commitment and Asset specificity as the Double-edged Sword to Assist Co-production in Enhancing Value Co-creation? A Dyadic Approach in Taiwan,” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics(SSCI)(Accepted).
Wu, Li-Wei and Lee, Chia-Jung (2023), “Co-production, Absorptive Capacity, Groupthink, and Alliance Outcomes through Service-dominant Logic: Does Partner Similarity Matter?” Organization and Management, 16(1), 75-122 (TSSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei and Tang, Yun-Chia (2022), “Mobile Payment in the Omnichannel Retailing: Dynamics between Trust and Loyalty Transfer Processes,” Internet Research, 32(6), 1783-1805(SSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei, Rouyer, Ellen, and Wang, Chung-Yu (2022), “Value Co-creation or Value Co-destruction? Co-production and its Double-sided Effects,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 40(4), 842-864 (SSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei, Tang, Yun-Chia, and Wang, Chung-Yu (2021), “Managing Multichannel Integration, Designing Perceived Affordances, and Developing Customer Relationship in the Online and Offline Retailing,” NTU Management Review, 31(3), 159-199 (TSSCI).
Su, Bo-chiuan, Wu, Li-Wei, and Yen, Ying-Chi (2021), “Antecedents and Consequences of Trust and Loyalty in Physical Banks Affecting Mobile Payments,” Sustainability, 13, 12368 (SSCI).
Su, Bo-chiuan, Wu, Li-Wei, Chang, Yevvon Yi-Chi, and Hong, Ruo-Hao (2021), “Influencers on Social Media as References: Understanding the Importance of Parasocial Relationship,” Sustainability,13(19), 10919 (SSCI).
Su, Bo-chiuan, Wu, Li-Wei, and Hsu, Ju-Ching (2021), “Social Commerce: The Mediating Effects of Trust and Value Co-Creation on Social Sharing and Shopping Intentions,” In: Nah F.FH., Siau K. (eds) HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12783 (EI, SCIE).
Wang, Chung-Yu, Wu, Li-Wei, and Wei, Chung-Lun (2021), “Optimal Customer Participation and the Role of Relationship Length,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(5), 871-885 (SSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei, Lin, Chen-Yu, and Shih, Fang-Sheng (2020), “Customer Participation in Creating Customer Satisfaction,” Journal of Economics and Management, 16, 125-146(Econlit).
Wu, Li-Wei, Wang, Chung-Yu and Rouyer, Ellen (2020), “The Opportunity and Challenge of Trust and Decision-making Uncertainty: Managing Co-production in Value Co-creation,” International Journal of Bank Marketing, 38(1), 199-218 (SSCI).
Wu, Chi-Che , Cheng, Rung-Shiang, Hsu, Chiung-Wen and Wu, Li-Wei (2019), “Lightweight, Low-Rate Denial-of-Service Attack Prevention and Control Program for IoT Devices,” Journal of Internet Technology, 20 (3), 877-885 (SCI).
Wu, Li-Wei (2018), “Every Story Has Two Sides: Co-Production in the Financial Service Industry,” International Journal of Business Administration and Management Research, 4(1), 6-11.
Wu, Li-Wei and Lin, Chen-Yu (2018), “Innovation Benefited by Relationship Learning,” International Journal of Business and Economics, 17(1), 55-72 (Econlit).
Wang, Chung-Yu, Lee, Hsiao-Ching, Wu, Li-Wei and Liu, Chih-Chung (2017), “Quality Dimensions in Online Communities Influence Purchase Intentions,” Management Decision, 55(9), 1984-1998 (SSCI).
吳立偉、李明煌、張榮庭、林于程 (2017),「探討消費者購買自有品牌商品意願之研究:以來源國形象與商品類別為干擾變數」,東海管理評論,第19卷第1期,頁129-164。
Wu, Li-Wei (2017), “The Bright Side and Dark Side of Co-production: A Dyadic Analysis,” Management Decision, 55(3), 614-631(SSCI).
Wang, Chung-Yu, Wu, Li-Wei, Lin, Chen-Yu, and Chen, Ruei-Jie (2017), “Purchase Intention toward the Extended Brand: The Moderating Role of Brand Commitment,” Journal of Economics and Management , 13(1), 83-103 (Econlit).
Wu, Li-Wei (2016), “Co-production in Service-dominant Logic: Antecedents and Consequences,” NTU Management Review, 27(1), 1-34 (TSSCI).
吳立偉、林呈昱、林瑋琳 (2015),「自有品牌之名人代言:品牌熟悉度、知覺風險、知覺價值與品牌關係」,管理研究學報,第15卷第1期,頁85-116。
Lin, Chen-Yu, Chen, Peng-Jui, Wu, Li-Wei, and Tseng, Ting-Hsiang (2015), “Does the Endorser’s Nationality Matter? An Investigation on Young Taiwanese Consumers ’ Selecting Smartphone,” International Business Research, 8(11), 49-60 (Econlit, ABI).
Wang, Chung-Yu, Lee, Hsiao-Ching, and Wu, Li-Wei (2015), “Co-production and the Roles of Dependence and Service Importance,” Asia Pacific Management Review, 20(3), 148-155 (TSSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei, Lii, Yuan-shuh, and Wang, Chung-Yu (2015), “Managing Innovation through Co-production in Interfirm Partnering,” Journal of Business Research , 68(11), 2248-2253(SSCI).
吳立偉、林維峰 (2015),「探討專屬性資產、鑲嵌、非功能性衝突與投機行為對連鎖加盟業者續約意願之影響:以信任、依賴為中介變數」,商略學報,第7卷第1期,頁1-18。
吳立偉、王崇昱、江欣茹 (2014),「你今天Facebook了嗎?影響社群媒體持續使用意圖之探索」,東海管理評論,第16卷第1期,頁35-72。
吳立偉、林怡君 (2013),「影響消費者對自有品牌再購意願之前置因素與情境效果」,台灣管理學刊,第13卷第1期,頁27-53。
Wu, Li-Wei and Lin, Jwu-Rong (2013), “Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Effectiveness: Learning Orientation and Co-production in the Contingency Model of Tacit Knowledge,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 28(8), 672-686 (SSCI).
林灼榮、黃章展、吳立偉、謝俊魁 (2013),「綠色社會責任與營運效率:日月潭國家風景區民宿業之研究」, 觀光休閒學報,第19卷第1期,頁55-78(TSSCI)。
吳立偉、林灼榮、李奕霖 (2013),「網路服務屬性與共同生產影響虛擬社群持續使用意圖之研究:社會網絡觀點」,商略學報,第5卷第1期,頁19-35。
Wu, Li-Wei (2012), “A Longitudinal Analysis of Trust and Customer Loyalty in Online Shopping: The Mediating Effects of Perceived Risk and Commitment,” Journal of e-Business, 14(1), 161-186 (TSSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2012), “Satisfaction and Zone of Tolerance: The Moderating Roles of Elaboration and Loyalty Programs,” Managing Service Quality, 22(1), 38-57 (SSCI).
Wang, Chung-Yu, and Wu, Li-Wei (2012), “Customer Loyalty and the Role of Relationship Length,” Managing Service Quality, 22(1), 58-74 (SSCI).
Wang, Chung-Yu, and Wu, Li-Wei (2011), “Reference Effects on Revisit Intention: Involvement as a Moderator,” Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 28(8), 817-827 (SSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei (2011), “Satisfaction, Inertia, and Customer Loyalty in the Varying Levels of the Zone of Tolerance and Alternative Attractiveness,” Journal of Services Marketing, 25(5), 310-322 (SSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei (2011), “Beyond Satisfaction: The Relative Importance of Locational Convenience, Interpersonal Relationships, and Commitment across Service Types,” Managing Service Quality, 21(3), 240-263 (SSCI).
Wu, Li-Wei (2011), “Inertia: Spurious Loyalty or Action Loyalty?” Asia Pacific Management Review, 16(1), 31-50 (TSSCI).
吳立偉、張國雄、鍾沛蔓 (2011),「認知價值、關係品質與忠誠階段之探討」,台灣管理學刊,第11卷第1期,頁1-28。
吳立偉、王崇昱 (2010),「滿意度及轉換障礙對顧客留存與交叉購買的影響: 直接效果及干擾效果之比較」,中山管理評論,第18卷第4期,頁1139-1168 (TSSCI)。
Liu, Tsung-Chi, Wang, Chung- Yu, and Wu, Li-Wei (2010), “Moderators of the Negativity Effect: Commitment, Identification, and Consumer Sensitivity to Corporate Social Performance,” Psychology & Marketing, 27(1), 54-70 (SSCI).
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2009), “Cross-buying Evaluations in the Retail Banking Industry,” The Service Industries Journal, 29(7), 903-922 (SSCI).
劉宗其、吳立偉 (2008),「關係品質與顧客購買行為:決策不確定性的干擾及中介雙重角色」,中山管理評論,第16卷第1期,頁145-172 (TSSCI)。
劉宗其、吳立偉、黃吉村 (2007),「關係慣性與轉換障礙對「滿意度-顧客留存」關係之影響- 以金融服務業為例」,管理學報,第24卷第6期,頁671-687 (TSSCI) (獲選97年度管理學報論文獎) 。
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2007), “Customer Retention and Cross-buying in the Banking Industry: An Integration of Service Attributes, Satisfaction and Trust,” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 12(2), 132-145 (ABI).
(B) 研討會論文
Lin, Chen-Yu, Nguyen, Phan-Thao and Wu, Li-Wei and (2024), “The Mechanism of Trust Transfer on Consumer Acceptance of Retailer-based m-payment Service in Taiwan,” ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2024, Sydney, Australia.
Wu, Li-Wei and Lin, Chen-Yu (2023), “How to Enhance Customer Loyalty through Customer Journey Design? Toward Omnichannel Retailing,” 6th International Conference on Research in Management, Los Angeles, United States.
Wu, Li-Wei, Lin, Chen-Yu, and Shih, Fang-Sheng (2019), “Customer Participation in Creating Customer Satisfaction,” 2019 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Lin, Chen-Yu And Wu, Li-Wei (2019), “Perceived Retail Service Innovativeness: A Consumer Perspective,” 2019 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Tang, Yun-Chia and Wu, Li-Wei (2018), “Exploring Storytelling Elements in Marketing,” 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei, Tang, Yun-Chia, and Wu, Yang-Ting (2018), “The Determinants of Co-production for Value Co-creation: Quadratic effects,” 2018 5th International Conference on Economics, Society and Management, Beijing, China.
Wu, Li-Wei (2018), “Every Story Has Two Sides: Co-production in the Financial Service Industry,” 10th International Research Conference on Science, Management and Engineering 2018, Dubai, UAE.
Wu, Li-Wei (2017), “Enhancing Innovation Performance through Learning Alliances,” 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Chang, Yen-Chuch and Wu, Li-Wei (2017), “Generating Store Loyalty through Program Loyalty: Involvement and Switching Cost as the Moderators,” International Conference on Innovation and Management, Tokyo, Japan.
Chou, Yu and Wu, Li-Wei (2016), “Understanding Customer Loyalty in O2O Business Model of Shared Economy,” The 2016 International Conference on Internet Studies, Osaka, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei, and Lin, Chen-Yu (2016), “Co-production in the Context of Consumer Marketing: A Dyadic Perspective,” The Academy of Marketing 2016 Conference, Newcastle, UK.
Wang, Chung-Yu and Wu, Li-Wei (2016), “Customer Participation in the Context of Financial Services: The role of Self- and Other Efficacy,” The Academy of Marketing 2016 Conference , Newcastle, UK.
Wu, Li-Wei, Lin, Chen-Yu, and Lin, Wei-Lin (2015), “The Effects of Brand Familiarity, Perceived Risk, Perceived Value, and Brand Relationship on Private Brand Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of the Endorser,” The SIBR 2015 Osaka Conference, Osaka, Japan.
Wang, Chung-Yu, Wu, Li-Wei (2015), “Quality Dimensions in Virtual Community,” 2015 International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management , Tokyo, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei, Wang, Chung-Yu, and Wu, Ya-Ting (2014), “Alliance Outcomes: What Really Matters?” The 19th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei, Wang, Chung-Yu, and Wu, Ya-Ting (2014), “Managing Innovation Performance: A Service-dominant Logic View,” 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore, Singapore.
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2013), “Social Capital and Innovation: The Role of Co-Production,” The 12th International DSI and the 18th Asia Pacific DSI conference, Bali, Indonesia.
Wang, Chung-Yu, Wu, Li-Wei, and Chen, Ruei-Jie (2013), “Purchase Intention toward the Extension and Parent Brand: The Role of Brand Commitment,” International Conference on Innovation and Management, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2012), “An Integration of Social Capital, Co-production, and Relational Benefits,” 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul, Seoul, South Korea.
Wu, Li-Wei, Chu, Hai-Chen, and Wang, Chung-Yu (2012), “Customer Responses to Loyalty Programs,” 2012 International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2011), “A Framework and Propositions for Managing the Co-production Process,” 2011 International Conference on Business and Information, Bangkok, Thailand.
Chu, Hai-Chen, Wu, Li-Wei, Yu, Hsiang-Ming, and Park, Jong Hyuk (2011), “Digital Trails Discovering of a GPS embedded Smart Phone –Take Nokia N78 Running Symbian S60 Ver 3.2 for Example”, The 8th FTRA International Conference on Secure and Trust Computing, data management, and Applications, Crete, Greece.
Wu, Li-Wei and Lin, Jwu-Rong (2011), “Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Transfer Effectiveness: Learning Orientation and Co-production in the Contingency Model of Tacit Knowledge, ” AIB 2011 Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2011), “An Empirical Study of Airline Customer Behavior, ” AIB 2011 Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan.
Wang, Chung-Yu and Wu, Li-Wei (2011), “Co-production and the Role of Dependence and Service Importance,” AIB 2011 Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei (2010), “Why Customers Stay: The Effects of Moderating Factors,” 2010 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Wu, Li-Wei (2010), “Longitudinal Shifts of Commitment and Perceived Risk between Trust and Customer Loyalty,” Joint Conference of The 4th International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management and The 15th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong, China.
Wu, Li-Wei (2010), “Beyond Satisfaction: Inertia and the Dynamic Role of Zone of Tolerance,” 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, Japan.
Wang, Chung-Yu and Wu, Li-Wei (2009), “Perceived value, corporate image and customer loyalty in the context of varying levels of length of relationship,” 2009 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2009), “How to stabilize the relationship between inertia and customer loyalty?” 2009 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2006), “Cross-Buying Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Similarity,” 2006 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2005), “Analyzing the Relative Importance of Antecedents on Customer Retention and Cross Buying in the Financial Services,” Academy of International Business, South East Asia Religion Chapter. Manila, Philippines.
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2004), “Customer Retention and Cross-buying of the Financial Holding Company,” Proceedings of the Tenth Asia Pacific Management Conference, Korea.
林于程、吳立偉 (2015),「探討消費者對零售商店自有品牌購買意願之影響 —以來源國形象與產品類別為干擾變數」,2015第十六屆管理學域國際學術研討會,朝陽科技大學,台灣台中。
吳立偉、蕭于瑄 (2015),「探討部落格信任與態度之前置因素對購買意願的影響」,2015 創新管理暨健康學術研討會,亞東技術學院,台灣台北。
Wu, Li-Wei and Lin, Jwu-Rong (2010), “Knowledge Sharing, Relationship Learning, and Co-production: A Contingency Model of Knowledge Stickiness and Inter-organizational Similarity,”【第二屆財經商管】、【跨國經營管理】暨【軍品釋商】學術與實務研討會, 東海大學,台灣台中。
Wang, Chung-Yu and Wu, Li-Wei (2009), “Revisit Intention in a Heritage Context: The Role of Switching Barriers,” 2009 International Conference on Knowledge-Based Economy & Global Management, Tainan, Taiwan.
Wang, Chung-Yu and Wu, Li-Wei (2008), “Psychographics, Store Image and Impulse Buying Tendency: The Quasi- Moderating Role of Gender Differences,” 全球服務科學管理理論與實務學術研討會, 彰化師範大學, 台灣彰化。
Wu, Li-Wei and Wang, Chung-Yu (2008), “The Effect of Inertia on Customer Loyalty: The Moderating Effects of Alternative Attractiveness and Commitment,” 第五屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會, 台中技術學院, 台灣台中。
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2006), “Trust in the Development of Long-term Relationship: The Diminishing Mechanism of Decision-making Uncertainty Reduction,” 第四屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會, 台中技術學院, 台灣台中。
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2006), “Relationship Quality and Customer Purchasing Behavior: Decision-making Uncertainty as Dual Roles of Moderator and Mediator,” 中部八所大學聯合舉辦2006全球管理新環境國際學術研討會, 台灣彰化。
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2006), “Why Customers Stay: The Dynamics Relationship of Satisfaction, Switching Barriers and Inertia,” 第四屆跨領域管理學術與實務研討會,東海大學,台灣台中(榮獲行銷與策略管理應用實務組最佳論文獎佳作)。
Liu, Tsung-Chi and Wu, Li-Wei (2006),”Relationship Quality and Cross Buying in the Varying Levels of Products and Services Similarity and Complexity,” 2006企業管理國際學術論壇暨研討會, 中興大學, 台灣台中。
陳禹彤、吳立偉 (2018),「服務場景對顧客滿意度之影響‐以台灣地區星巴克為例」,2018兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
石梵生、吳立偉 (2018),「金融服務業中顧客參與及顧客滿意度之研究:前置因素及角色辨別與知覺利益之干擾效果」,2018兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
陳宛廷、吳立偉 (2017),「使用智慧型手機之品牌忠誠度研究-以蘋果iPhone為例」,2017兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
葛祐成、吳立偉 (2017),「iPhone手機對於品牌共鳴之研究」,2017兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
黃國欣、吳立偉 (2017),「網路持續使用行為意圖之影響-以Facebook社團專頁為例」,2017兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
張雁捷、吳立偉 (2016),「The Effect of Program Loyalty on Store Loyalty:The Moderating Effects of Involvement and Switching Cost」,2016兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
周 瑜、吳立偉 (2016),「Shared Economy: A Uber Case Study」,2016兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
吳宜君、吳立偉 (2016),「從共同生產觀察顧客與企業的投資方案」,2016兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
許郡玶、吳立偉 (2015),「探討消費者流行導向、物質主義對衝動性購買之影響:以自我控制、信用卡使用、性別為干擾變數」,2015兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
余亭軒、吳立偉 (2015),「等待發生時點對知覺等待時間與等候品質之影響:個人時間風格與等待類型干擾效果探討」,2015兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
江欣茹、吳立偉 (2014),「影響社群網站持續使用意圖因素之研究」,2014國際經營創新、變革與挑戰學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
林維峰、吳立偉 (2014),「探討連鎖加盟總部之專屬性資產、鑲嵌、非功能性衝突與投機行為對加盟業者續約意願之影響」,2014國際經營創新、變革與挑戰學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
林洧廷、吳立偉 (2014),「品牌來源國與知覺價格對消費者產品評價與購買意願之影響-製造來源國與購買情境干擾效果探討」,2014國際經營創新、變革與挑戰學術研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
吳立偉、李雅琳 (2012),「虛擬社群特性與網站品質對共同生產、黏性與口碑傳播之影響:以信任為中介變數」,第四屆財經商管論文研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
吳立偉、林于庭 (2012),「不同搭售訂價對品牌延伸接受度之影響效果:母品牌形象與類別契合度之干擾效果」,第四屆財經商管論文研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
吳立偉、林怡君 (2011),「消費者特質對商店品牌滿意度與再購意願之影響-以產品涉入為干擾變數」,第三屆財經商管論文研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
李奕霖、吳立偉、林灼榮 (2010),「網路特性與聯合生產影響虛擬社群網站之研究:社會網絡之干擾效果」,【第二屆財經商管】、【跨國經營管理】暨【軍品釋商】學術與實務研討會,東海大學,台灣台中。
吳立偉、鍾沛蔓 (2009),「關係價值、關係品質與忠誠階段之實證研究」,第一屆財經商管論文研討會,東海大學,台灣台中 (獲選優秀論文)。
吳立偉、陳雯沁 (2009),「以網路服務屬性、科技接受模式及關係行銷探討網路購物行為」,第一屆財經商管論文研討會,東海大學,台灣台中 (獲選優秀論文) 。
(C) 技術報告
探索全通路能力之新典範:前置變數,結果變數與顧客激勵及旅程滿意度之意涵,計劃主持人,國科會專題研究計劃(112-2410-H-029 -007 -MY2),民112年8月~114年7月。
最適化共同生產及平衡價值共創及價值共毀,計劃主持人,國科會專題研究計劃(111-2410-H-029 -011-),民111年8月~112年7月。
探討全通路零售顧客忠誠度之研究: 規劃及執行整合式之行銷方案,計劃主持人,科技部專題研究計劃(110-2410-H-029 -022-),民110年8月~111年7月。
社群商務脈絡下顧客旅程設計之動態性及演化性模型,計劃主持人,科技部專題研究計劃(109-2410-H-029 -019 -),民109年8月~110年7月。
社群媒體在電子商務的角色: 探索影響社群商務顧客關係之因,計劃主持人,科技部專題研究計劃(108-2410-H-029 -019 -),民108年8月~109年7月
價值共創之共同生產決定因素: 權變模式與二次方效果,計劃主持人,科技部專題研究計劃(105-2410-H-029-030-),民105年8月~106年7月。
消費行銷脈絡下之共同生產:對偶分析,計劃主持人,科技部專題研究計劃(104-2410-H-029 -035 -),民104年8月~105年7月。
企業對企業行銷脈絡下之共同生產與創新 : 跨領域觀點,計劃主持人,國科會多年期專題研究計劃(102-2410-H-029-046-MY2),民102年8月~104年7月。
慣性:虛假忠誠或行動忠誠? 計劃主持人,國科會專題研究計劃(97-2410-H-029-001-),民97年1月~97年7月。